Tuesday, October 26, 2004

META Madness

I would have posted yesterday, but I spent 3 hours I'll never get back trying to format my blog. First, I mastered the intricacies of site meter data. Then, I tried, in vain, to align my links. Then, I read up on META tags for site engine optimization.

The Blogger Help file really explains META well for the uninitiated:

Blog Meta Data - inserts all blog metadata via one tag. here's sample output:


Well, that's what it looks like to me. (That's not what it really says. When I tried to copy the real code, the blog recognized it as HTML and gave me a hell of a time when I tried to publish. I just wasted another 45 minutes trying to get it right, and when I published it, my entire blog page became misaligned. So this gibberish will have to illustrate my frustration with HTML.)

If the META tag inserts all blog metadata, then where do I insert the META tags with unique information about my blog? I'm sure the other 3 million bloggers have figured this out, so once again, I'm the only one who isn't in on the joke.

Truly, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I knew a bit about HTML and a bit about META before I started this blog, but together, that isn't even worth two bits. I was thrilled with how easy Blogger makes it to create a page and post it, but I realize now that to make a blog look special, I have to go back to college and get an advanced degree in computer science.

And as for META, good luck to the search engines in finding me.

1 comment:

  1. Jill,

    Maybe I could help you with this. Email me at danimal0416 at gmail dot com if you're interested.
