Monday, September 05, 2005

Pass the Belly Rolls


Dieters are turning to hypnosis to help keep the pounds off. Think about it: not only will you crave healthy food like chicken, you'll also be able to cluck like one.


In San Diego, a topless dancer stabbed a customer who refused a lap dance. She'll now be billed as the "psychotic exotic dancer."


A woman in Germany burned her house down while trying to kill spiders with a can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter. Wonder if she plants land mines to get rid of weeds.


Some poor guy got fired because he ate two pieces of pizza left over after a company meeting. The infraction must be listed in the company handbook as "Get the gate. It's Domino's."


An art student in Thailand creates edible bread sculptures that resemble human body parts. You haven't lived till you've tried:

  • Peanut butter and jelly on a belly

  • Bacon, lettuce and toe-mato on thigh

  • Hand and swiss

  • Head cheese

  • Club-foot sandwich

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